In his recent audio- and sound walks Albrecht Panknin reflects the connection as though the disconnection between the real world, the world that surrounds people and the parallel worlds, the worlds that occur inside the mind, when triggert by certain soundscapes. Most of his audio- and sound walks can be listened over smartphone and are guided by the GPS sensor of the Recipients Smartphone. The range extends from overall soundscapes and experimental sound works over classical music pieces right up to pieces with actors, soundtrack and scenes like known form a regular audio play
Lost / studio ZPiAO / 2015 / 54 min
Iosphere / studio ZPiAO / 2013 / 36 min
Stars / studio ZPiAO / 2011 / 25 min
Lichter / studio ZPiAO / 2012 / 40 min
Plastic Bag / studio ZPiAO / 2014 / 10 min